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宝博体育 爱尔兰 to connect with Europe’s most warm and welcoming people. With a history reaching all the way back to the Mesolithic period, 爱尔兰 has a wealth of fascinating landmarks to see and learn from. 亲吻巧言石, a limestone block that’s part of the medieval Blarney Castle, and find out if it really does give you the gift of gab. Step back in time at the Rock of Cashel, fifth century home to Munster’s kings, where it overlooks the pastoral countryside in County Tipperary. Meet the Benedictine nuns who live in Kylemore Castle, a 19th century private home transformed into an abbey after World War I, and walk through their Victorian gardens. Take a tour of Kilmainham Gaol, 都柏林监狱是1916年爱尔兰复活节起义的领导人被监禁和处决的地方,也是战争期间许多支持独立的爱尔兰男女被关押的地方. 漫步在有着五千年历史的纽格兰奇墓地,那里是爱尔兰国王的长眠之地. 参观美丽的圣. 都柏林的帕特里克大教堂,18世纪作家乔纳森·斯威夫特曾担任院长. In a country known for its verdant, 未遭破坏的景观, 如果你想在课程表允许的范围内尽可能多地在户外活动,不要感到惊讶. Visit one of the sheep farms situated in 爱尔兰’s rolling green hills. 晚上去西科克的海恩湖划皮艇,让湖中的生物发光浮游植物用它们的光指引你. 近距离接触野生海豚Fungie,它几十年来一直在丁格尔湾欢迎游客. Visit the famous Cliffs of Moher, dramatically rising almost four hundred feet above the Atlantic in County Clare. 如果你在都柏林的话, you don’t have to leave city limits to get your nature fix: Phoenix Park, the largest enclosed park in any European capital, features acres of fields where wild deer graze, 维多利亚时代的花园, 都柏林动物园. For a more rugged adventure, 威克洛山脉邀请您徒步穿越其美丽的地形,进入格兰达洛山谷. Bike the Waterford Greenway, a dedicated off-road track connecting Waterford and Dungarvan, and take in the lovely views of the Clonea Strand Beach. Roam Killarney National Park to bask in mossy green woodlands, watch colorful sunsets by the lake, and tour the grounds of Muckross House, a pristinely preserved 19th century estate.  




As the capital of 爱尔兰, 都柏林 is small city with much to offer. With a history harkening back to a Viking settlement in the 9th century, 都柏林 is both an ancient city and home to Europe's youngest population.
62°F (17°C)
40°F (6°C)
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Long a favorite with musicians, artist and creatives of every stripe, the small misty city of 高威 is alive with theater, musical events and Irish folk songs. In many ways, 高威 is the heart of 爱尔兰.
61°F (16°C)
43°F (6°C)
  • 工程
  • 科学
  • 社会科学

爱尔兰人一直珍视艺术和他们自己的音乐名人贡献者, 文学, 和电影. You don’t have to take a trip to continental Europe to see great art. 花一整天的时间在都柏林的爱尔兰国家美术馆里浏览艺术收藏, 大约15,000件作品展出, 或者在都柏林的街道上寻找发人深省、值得画廊收藏的壁画, 软木塞, 高威, 和利默里克. 对于一个小国来说, 爱尔兰 is brimming with independent bookstores, from the old and cozy to the modern and minimalist. 都柏林, named an UNESCO world heritage site for 文学, can keep you busy with the James Joyce Museum, 文学酒吧之旅, and a Writer’s Museum dedicated to an array of literary memorabilia. The country that birthed Bram Stoker, author of Dracula; Oscar Wilde, the infamous 19th century novelist, 诗人, and playwright; world-famous playwright Samuel Beckett; and the great 诗人s William Butler Yeats and Seamus Heaney unashamedly loves a good story and will give you plenty of your own to tell. 欧洲很少有国家像爱尔兰那样热爱音乐,爱尔兰人是一个真正的音乐民族. 无论你是在都柏林、戈尔韦、科克还是其他地方,现场音乐和酒吧都是密不可分的. 各种类型的音乐家和表演者都在街头卖艺,在大大小小的场所表演. With a long list of internationally successful bands and solo performers, 包括都柏林人, 的首领, 范·莫里森, 薄丽萃, 恩雅, 可儿家族的, 辛妮奥康纳, 克兰娜德, 小红莓乐队, 的波格, U2, 雪巡逻, 和达米安·赖斯, 爱尔兰’s an inspiring destination for future professional music performers.  



学习+宝博体育 in 都柏林

学习+宝博体育 in 都柏林


都柏林的学习+宝博体育项目是为那些有抱负的专业人士设计的,他们希望在不断变化的全球就业市场中脱颖而出. 这个项目可以让你在学业上取得进步,并保持在毕业的轨道上, 同时培养雇主希望你在进入就业市场时获得的顶级技能. 在节目中, 你将在当地的接待机构宝博体育,同时学习我们的强制性全球宝博体育课程和其他课程. 我们多样化的课程将为您提供一个在学术上出类拔萃的平台, 您的个性化宝博体育安排将帮助您从全球视角获得专业经验,并在国际背景下向专业人士学习. Program options are dependent upon location, 但可能包括:学期, 夏天, Part-Time and Full-Time 宝博体育, and English and host language speaking placements.


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在爱尔兰度过的时光意味着你可以品尝到正宗的爱尔兰美食,你一定会喜欢的. 午餐点一份美味的沃特福德blaa面包三明治,晚餐吃一顿丰盛的炖羊肉或炖牛肉.  如果你是海鲜爱好者, 不要错过在海滨城市品尝新鲜捕获的戈尔韦牡蛎的机会. 可以试试colcannon——将土豆泥与卷心菜或羽衣甘蓝混合——向爱尔兰人最喜欢的蔬菜致敬, 马铃薯. For a more contemporary taste of 爱尔兰, 订购一个“香料包”,” the perfect take-out dish featuring French fries, 青椒, 炒洋葱, and battered chicken tossed in a paper bag. 如果你喜欢吃甜食, Irish desserts won’t disappoint: Porter cake, 健力士巧克力慕斯, 苹果馅饼, and Carageen Moss pudding are solid options. 在爱尔兰, there’s never a wrong time for tea, 如果你在咖啡厅, pair your cup with sweet scones or barm brack and butter. When you study abroad in 爱尔兰, 你会发现在一个以友好和社会热情为准则的英语文化中很容易茁壮成长. Attend class at respected institutions like 都柏林 City University, the International School of 业务, and the National University of 爱尔兰. 在都柏林宝博体育,培养毕业后找到一份好工作所需的技能. 在世界上唯一广泛使用爱尔兰盖尔语的地方听和学习爱尔兰盖尔语. 无论你来这里学习什么,爱尔兰都是你通往光明和有益未来的大门.  

爱尔兰 兴趣点

爱尔兰 兴趣点

  • Blessington盆地 Often regarded as 都柏林’s secret garden, Blessington盆地 is conveniently close to the city center and student housing. 公园的大部分被一个大湖和喷泉占据,这两个都是都柏林公园不寻常的特征.
  • Salthill散步 从戈尔韦市中心出发,沿着3公里长的海滨小径前往萨尔希尔, a seaside resort area with lovely cafés, 一个赌场, and one of 高威’s hidden microbreweries. Take in the fresh sea air while walking, 运行, 或骑自行车, 一旦你到达长廊的西侧,就和当地人一起“踢墙”. 如果你不怕寒冷,你甚至可以从贝莱德的平台上潜入大西洋!
  • 高威市集 漫步在这个古色古香的城市市场,从新鲜的有机农产品到你最喜欢的戈尔韦地标的美丽画作,应有尽有. This bustling street market has been trading in Church Lane by St. Nicholas’ Church for centuries. The crepes and doughnuts are a must, with a lovely cup of freshly brewed coffee.
  • Cliff Hike from Bray to Greystones One of the highlights of walking in County Wicklow is this well-maintained, 4.3-mile walk that leads you from Bray to Greystones along the scenic coast. 沿途壮观的海景和海洋野生动物一定会让你胃口大开, 所以,在跳上轻轨(DART)轻松返回都柏林之前,先在格雷斯通吃点东西吧.