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Biking through 意大利 - My 宝博体育 Adventure Part 3

by 东航卡帕内容创建者
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Exploring 意大利 on Two Wheels: My 宝博体育 Adventure Part 3

经过一天的探索 罗马 和 touring the artwork in the Vatican, I woke up to begin my longest day of riding yet: a 146 mile journey from 罗马 to Naples.  


我和他分享了最后一杯咖啡 阿道夫•然后我们说了再见. Life is filled with a lot of goodbyes, most of them you’ll give abroad are final. 然而,, it never feels any less poignant each time, especially after recognizing how much I owed for this small act of hospitality 和 mutual trust. It feels bizarre to have this perpetual debt to someone that I almost certainly won’t see again, an unreciprocated kindness I can only pay forward. I had little time to focus on these 虽然ts, 虽然, because from start to finish this next leg of my ride required all my attention.  

On the surface, this last ride was the simplest. Even 虽然 it was the longest, it was mostly flat. 但是,如果你和足够多的人交谈 意大利, one thing you’ll hear repeatedly is that the North 和 the South are VERY different, 和 Italians have very strong opinions about it. 当我往南走的时候, this became clearer 和 clearer—not only geographically, 但文化. It never fails to fascinate me how intertwined these two things are. 我的旅行开始了 in the large rolling green hills 和 mountains of Tuscany through miles of beautifully symmetrical vineyards. The roads were relatively smooth 和 well-maintained. At all times there were signs with English translations on it. The people, too, could mostly speak English proficiently enough to carry a conversation. 然而, 当我接近那不勒斯时, the vineyards turned to roadside Roman remnants 和 volcanic tomato fields. The English signs I’d grown accustomed to quickly became undecipherable Italian (save for my limited ability to translate from Spanish cognates) 和 more 和 more I had to rely on the Italian phrases I’d picked up along the way 和 emphatic gesticulating.  


The primary change that affected my ride, however, was safety. The smooth roads transformed into Roman footpaths (I’ve come to learn it’s called the 亚壁古道, an ancient road that was created in 312BC), 和 the parts of the route that were “paved” were pothole minefields.  

在车里, 这不是真正的问题, 但, when you’re on a heavier than normal bike with tires a little wider than your thumb, this quickly becomes life-threatening. Potholes are typically concentrated on the shoulders of roads—where I primarily ride. So, if a car was passing me on my left 和 I needed to avoid a pothole in front of me, I’d let Jesus take the wheel 和 hope that I didn’t get plowed while dodging. “But why not just go over the pothole?“嗯, 特别是在高速行驶时, on thin delicate tires this would at best lead to a time-consuming flat tire, 和, with hundreds of miles in my legs already, I needed all the daylight I could get to finish the ride. Plus, I can only fix so many flat tires with the supplies I packed. 在最坏的情况下, while I was riding along the sheer mountains on the coast, a pothole could lead to my first (和 last) Mediterranean cliff jumping experience. 

Drew Laird studied abroad with 东航卡帕 in 阿姆斯特丹 in Spring '22.

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