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by 东航卡帕内容创建者
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2019-11-09 15.45.58

Have you ever googled “top cities in Europe to visit?“如果你有, you may know about one of Europe’s most up-and-coming travel destinations, 如果你没有, you might be surprised to find out that nearly every travel website lists 布达佩斯, 匈牙利, 是欧洲最值得一游的城市之一. 这令人惊讶吗?? 好吧, 对我来说当然是, as I figured some of the top spots such as 巴黎, 伦敦, 罗马, and others would take the top spot (they are all still on the list).  Whether you’re looking for a weekend trip during your European 宝博体育, or the perfect destination for your upcoming 宝博体育 experience, 布达佩斯一定会在很多方面让你兴奋不已. (搜索东航 布达佩斯留学 项目!)

2019-11-10 17.29.10

Located in eastern Europe, 布达佩斯 is a spot that I hold close to my heart. 我周末出国旅行的照片, 我最喜欢布达佩斯(这说明了很多), 因为我在那里的时候一直在患流感). 这座城市是欧洲最美丽的城市之一, and extremely friendly to travelers from around the world. 虽然有语言障碍, 许多匈牙利人说英语, 如果他们没有, they are willing to work with you to figure out what you need. On top of that, many sites are free to get into with your EU visa, or student card.

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One of the best parts about 布达佩斯 is the history that surrounds you at every corner. 布达佩斯 was affected heavily during World War II. The Soviets had occupied the city for more than 50 days, and the city had come under attack multiple times. 许多建筑物被毁坏或损坏. However, many of the buildings have been restored to their former glory. Furthermore, some of the buildings that made it through the war still have remnants of it. One church I toured still had bullet holes in the building from the war. The war is just one part of this city's rich history worth checking out. 如果你像我一样是个历史迷, you’ll love 布达佩斯; it’s a place where you can stand and feel like you're a part of history.

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Another fascinating thing about 布达佩斯 is the landscape of the city itself. 布达佩斯被多瑙河一分为二. On one side of the river is Buda, and the other side Pest. Buda has attractions like the Buda Castle and Fisherman’s Bastion, and Pest has the Parliament Building (in my opinion one of the most fascinating places to visit) and many churches that date back to founding of the city. 把一切都吸收进去, you may want to book one of the many river cruises to see both sides of the city from the water. I suggest doing one during the day, and another at night!

布达佩斯 also has many thermal baths open year-round to visit, so bring your swimsuit. These baths are meant to be therapeutic and many have a high temperature to relax guests. Some of the baths even host parties in the evenings targeted at the college crowd. 就在布达佩斯城外, 你也会发现水世界度假村, which is one the largest indoor water parks in Europe for all you thrill seekers.

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While I could talk all day about the many things to do in 布达佩斯, 它的历史, 以及整个城市的美丽, let me close with one of the best benefits of spending time in 布达佩斯: it is 负担得起的. 如果你像我一样经常旅行的话, you will come to find that some cities in Europe are quite expensive; however, 在布达佩斯,情况并非如此. 布达佩斯 was by far the most 负担得起的 city I visited. 从便宜的出租车, to never spending more than 10 euros on a hearty meal (meals in 匈牙利 are large, 你可以吃到便宜到4欧元。, 去便宜的地方住, 以及实惠的旅游景点, 在布达佩斯旅行后,你的钱包不会受伤. 它很可能会感谢你! If you’re on a budget, 布达佩斯 is the place to be.

I loved 布达佩斯, and it was my favorite city in Europe that I visited. 我相信你也会喜欢的. Whether you’re visiting for just a weekend or an entire semester, 你会发现布达佩斯很迷人, 历史, 和负担得起的. Don’t miss one to the top cities in Europe to visit, 如果你有问题, 请随时联系我!

Jared Hoffman is a CEA 校友大使 who studied abroad in the 法国里维埃拉, 法国, 2019年秋季学期. He is currently a student at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg.

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