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Reflections Abroad: How 伦敦 Changed Me

by 米歇尔McGhan
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There wasn’t a moment, or person, or second that made me fall in love with 伦敦. I wish there was one single defining moment that made it for me because it would make it easier to explain my experience 在伦敦留学. 这里的生活, 这里的人, 这里的食物, the culture—the 伦敦 is all ap艺术 of what made this whole experience abroad something more magical than I expected.
 St. Pancras Hotel - Harry Potter's Entrance To The Train Station

一开始,我不想来这里. The overwhelming new city experience enveloped me and made it so difficult. Talking to other students about this, they all have had the same experience. 头两周是最难熬的. Biggest adjustments with understanding the 伦敦 way of life. It isn’t easy 研究 abroad, don’t forget that. I didn’t realize how hard it was; I always brushed it off when people told me how brave I was but just remember, 这是一件非常勇敢的事情.
 伦敦餐厅的伙伴 & 酒吧

Among the many different things like late-night bike rides or early-morning strolls, 伦敦的运作方式:快速, 帮我塑造了一个全新的自己. I know a lot of people who are excited to go back to the States, this concept is foreign to me. 伦敦’s spark is something that I can’t just shake off. Throughout my experience here, traveling, 研究 (yes! 这种情况仍然会发生!), living has changed my priorities and my desires. It’s not a bad thing though because it made me a better version of myself realizing the difference between what I thought was a happier version of myself and what it truly is.

这里有很多事要做, so much to see and while you may make lists and push it off 要做 for the later moments, even just sitting and watching the sunset outside your bedroom window can make you realize the beauty of 伦敦. 有火花. 我在这里的每一秒, I’ve embraced it because this is a once in a life time opportunity and I am so thankful to have had. 和新朋友在一起, 新的文化冲击, 新体验, 新的记忆, 这种旅行经历, 研究, and living has made me into the person I’ve always wanted to be.

Before, I thought I had it all together, I really didn't. There is something that happens when you 宝博体育, something that you don't realize. I truly thought I was very culturally aware since I've worked with international students, 我旅行, 我的个人背景, but I didn't realize how much more was out there. 世界上有那么多值得看的东西, 要做, and to experience which is so important to the evolution into a more culturally aware person. 

 伦敦圣. 邓斯坦在东部.

伦敦有你的风格, 虽然大部分时间都很阴沉, 它仍然知道该给你什么. There are so many things that are different in the States, 有些我很怀念,但即便如此, 这一点也比不上伦敦的魔力. 这个神奇的, 这种生活, is something that isn’t easy to understand until the end of the time someone may have 研究 abroad. Don’t go searching for it, or you won’t find it. 它会来. These moments around has helped shaped me into a better me and I will always cherish how amazing my experiences here.


米歇尔·米. is the Fall 2016 东航 MOJO in 伦敦, 英格兰. She is currently a senior 研究 Cinema Art and 科学 and 摄影 at Columbia College Chicago

米歇尔McGhan is the Fall 2016 东航 MOJO 博客ger in 伦敦, 英格兰, and is currently 研究 at Columbia College Chicago.
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